debconf.conf 2.9 KB

  1. # This is the main config file for debconf. It tells debconf where to
  2. # store data. The format of this file is a set of stanzas. Each stanza
  3. # except the first sets up a database for debconf to use. For details, see
  4. # debconf.conf(5) (in the debconf-doc package).
  5. #
  6. # So first things first. This first stanza gives the names of two databases.
  7. # Debconf will use this database to store the data you enter into it,
  8. # and some other dynamic data.
  9. Config: configdb
  10. # Debconf will use this database to store static template data.
  11. Templates: templatedb
  12. # World-readable, and accepts everything but passwords.
  13. Name: config
  14. Driver: File
  15. Mode: 644
  16. Reject-Type: password
  17. Filename: /var/cache/debconf/config.dat
  18. # Not world readable (the default), and accepts only passwords.
  19. Name: passwords
  20. Driver: File
  21. Mode: 600
  22. Backup: false
  23. Required: false
  24. Accept-Type: password
  25. Filename: /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat
  26. # Set up the configdb database. By default, it consists of a stack of two
  27. # databases, one to hold passwords and one for everything else.
  28. Name: configdb
  29. Driver: Stack
  30. Stack: config, passwords
  31. # Set up the templatedb database, which is a single flat text file
  32. # by default.
  33. Name: templatedb
  34. Driver: File
  35. Mode: 644
  36. Filename: /var/cache/debconf/templates.dat
  37. # Well that was pretty straightforward, and it will be enough for most
  38. # people's needs, but debconf's database drivers can be used to do much
  39. # more interesting things. For example, suppose you want to use config
  40. # data from another host, which is mounted over nfs or perhaps the database
  41. # is accessed via LDAP. You don't want to write to the remote debconf database,
  42. # just read from it, so you still need a local database for local changes.
  43. #
  44. # A remote NFS mounted database, read-only. It is optional; if debconf
  45. # fails to use it it will not abort.
  46. #Name: remotedb
  47. #Driver: DirTree
  48. #Directory: /mnt/otherhost/var/cache/debconf/config
  49. #Readonly: true
  50. #Required: false
  51. #
  52. # A remote LDAP database. It is also read-only. The password is really
  53. # only necessary if the database is not accessible anonymously.
  54. # Option KeyByKey instructs the backend to retrieve keys from the LDAP
  55. # server individually (when they are requested), instead of loading all
  56. # keys at startup. The default is 0, and should only be enabled if you
  57. # want to track accesses to individual keys on the LDAP server side.
  58. #Name: remotedb
  59. #Driver: LDAP
  60. #Server: remotehost
  61. #BaseDN: cn=debconf,dc=domain,dc=com
  62. #BindDN: uid=admin,dc=domain,dc=com
  63. #BindPasswd: secret
  64. #KeyByKey: 0
  65. #
  66. # A stack consisting of two databases. Values will be read from
  67. # the first database in the stack to contain a value. In this example,
  68. # writes always go to the first database.
  69. #Name: fulldb
  70. #Driver: Stack
  71. #Stack: configdb, remotedb
  72. #
  73. # In this example, we'd use Config: fulldb at the top of the file
  74. # to make it use the combination of the databases.
  75. #
  76. # Even more complex and interesting setups are possible, see the
  77. # debconf.conf(5) page for details.